Nostradomus’s Prophecies

25 04 2009

I recently saw History channel’s Armageddon shows. There was one talking about mabus, and how its supposed to spelled out sadam if you reverse the letters, which is supposed to represent Saddam Hussein This led to me wondering about something: why has the prophecies of Nostradamus been undecipherable until the event has actually happened? We could not have been able to know about Mabus/Sadam until after Saddam came into power.

I think there might be a reason behind this code or puzzle. Think about it, if we were to say decipher the future using the writing or drawings of Notradomus, then we would be able to change it. That means that the rest of the prophecies would be useless afterwards because everything would be different after we changed or averted how events would play out.

This leads to one conclusion: that his last prophecy or predictation would be the one he wants us to listen to or follow. If the world was really going to end, then he’s using the earlier prophecies to build his credibility so we would be more supportive of his final one. This final one might not be in codes or a puzzle, where we might get it right or wrong. The last one will probably be the one warning us to not do something or to not act in a certain way that would end our existence.

Israel versus Hamas

4 01 2009

In my opinion Israel is making the wrong decision by attacking Gaza. Their invasion has failed in the sense that it didn’t accomplish what it set out to do, which was stopping the rocket attacks. They have killed over 500 innocent civilians. But in reality they have killed much more. They have stopped humanitarian aid, which brings food and medical supplies for the people of Gaza, which in turn have probably caused more deaths than the 500 caused be their invasion.

Also the Hamas rocket attacks hasn’t killed a single person so far, and they’ve been launching them for a good amount of time right now. I think that Israel’s retaliation has gone a little too far.

You don’t fight a way this way. Unlike the US army who go out of their way to avoid civilian causalities, the Israelis are carelessly killing the innocents. What Israel should have done is let food and trade go through the borders of Gaza, let their civilians have their way. Maybe then the rocket attacks would stop? Instead they use their army, which yes invaded Gaza and divided into three parts. But has the rockets stopped? No.

In the beginning before Israel air striked gaza the people there might have been unhappy with their government because supplies were scarce and people were suffering. They might have been happy if someone overthrew the Hama government. Now instead of being angry at the Hamas government they are pissed at Israel for killing over 500 of their own. The Hamas could use this as propganda and recruit people into their cause, thereby making the invasion of Israeli army more difficult.

The part that bothers me though is that the US blocked a UN, which means that the US is actually backing the Israel’s side. Right now what the two sides needs is peace and stability, war and conflict will not solve anyone’s problems. Also the US has now gained one more enemy…..this is bad because this might result in increased levels of terrorism, which puts my life in danger.

This all boils down to this: If both sides the Hamas and Israel can reach a peaceful agreement then everyone would be happy. The civilians on both sides would be safe and happy. It would bring stability to the region and prevent further warfare.

4 11 2008

Obama’s Logic is Flawed Logic?

2 11 2008

I was watching CNN today, and it showed Obama in a rally asking the people in his rally how many of them earns less than 250k a year. Almost everyone in the audience raised their hands. He was talking about his tax reforms and he says he is not a socialist and he doesn’t support a redistribution of wealth.

Well since hes only going to be taxing the people earning 250k and above then how is the government going to get enough money to sustain themselves? There is only one percent of people making above 250k, how high are those people’s taxes going to be to pay for all the other people’s tax cuts?

He also mentions that he will not make a smaller government, instead he’s going to make a better and more efficient government. So all in all he’s not going to cut pork or wasteful spending within the government, becuase right now I think we can all agree that the government is way to big and many of the agencies are not doing their job as well as they should be. the FDA for example, fails to inspect products and fails to ban certain potientally harmful chemicals in comsumer products, even when other countries have banned them.

Again, This shows that Obama’s words are decieving, his whole campaign is put out to decieve the ignorant voters, and if elected to the white house, he will surely try to decieve us tax payers into supporting his decieving policies!

Interesting Email I got from the McCain Campaign

1 11 2008

The State of the Campaign

If your television is tuned to cable news as frequently as ours are here at campaign headquarters, you have seen the pundits say John McCain and his campaign are done. And, if you’ve followed this race since the beginning, this is clearly a song you’ve heard before. I wanted to take some time today to give you some insight on the state of the race as we see it.

An AP poll released this morning revealed a very telling fact: ONE out of every SEVEN voters is undecided. That means, if 130 million voters turn out on Tuesday, 18.5 million of them have yet to make up their mind. With that many votes on the table and the tremendous movement we’ve seen in this race, I believe we are in a very competitive campaign.

Here’s why:

All the major polls have shown a tightening in the race and a significant narrowing of the numbers. In John McCain’s typical pattern, he is closing strong and surprising the pundits. We believe this race is winnable, and if the trajectory continues, we will surpass the 270 Electoral votes needed on Election Night.

  • National Polls: Major polls last week showed John McCain trailing by double-digit margins – but by the middle of this week, we were within the margin of error on four national tracking surveys. In fact, the Gallup national tracking survey showed the race in a virtual tie 2 days this week.
  • State Polls:

    Iowa – Our numbers in Iowa have seen a tremendous surge in the past 10 days. We took Obama’s lead from the double digits to a very close race. That is why you see Barack Obama visiting the state in the final days, trying to stem his losses. It is too little, too late. Like many other Midwestern states, Iowa is moving swiftly into McCain’s column.

    The Southwest – It is no secret that Republican candidates in the Southwest have to focus on winning over enough Latino and Hispanic voters in Nevada, New Mexico and Colorado to carry them to victory. John McCain has overcome challenges Republicans face, and has made up tremendous ground in these states with these voters. For these voters, the choice has become clear, and you have seen a big change in the numbers. John McCain is now winning enough voters to perform within the margin of error – putting these states within reach.

    Colorado – Barack Obama tried to outspend our campaign in Colorado during the early weeks of October and finish off our candidate in Colorado. However, after our visit early this week, we saw a tremendous rebound in our poll position, and Colorado is back on the map.

    Ohio and Pennsylvania – Everyone knows that vote rich Ohio and Pennsylvania will be key battlegrounds for this election. Between the two: 41 electoral votes and no candidate has gotten to the White House without Ohio. Senator McCain and Governor Palin have been campaigning non-stop in these key battleground states and tonight Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has pumped up our campaign at a rally in Columbus. Our position in these states is strong and undecided voters continue to have a very favorable impression of our candidate.

Obama campaign faces tremendous structural challenges in the final days of this campaign

  • Obama has a challenge hitting 50%: Barack Obama has not reached the 50% threshold in almost any the battleground state. He consistently is performing in the 45-48% range. When we look closely at the primary votes, we see a history of a candidate whose Election Day performance is often at or behind his final polling numbers. If this is true, our surge will leave Obama with even or under 50% of the vote on Election Day.
  • Early Vote: The Obama campaign has promised that their early vote and absentee efforts will change the composition of the electorate. They have sold the press on a story that first time voters will turn out in droves this election cycle. Again, the facts undermine their argument. In our analysis of early voting and absentee votes to date: The composition of the electorate has not changed significantly and most folks who have voted early are high propensity voters who would have voted regardless of the high interest in this campaign.
  • Expanding the Field: Obama is running out of states if you follow out a traditional model. Today, he expanded his buy into North Dakota, Georgia and Arizona in an attempt to widen the playing field and find his 270 Electoral Votes. This is a very tall order and trying to expand into new states in the final hours shows he doesn’t have the votes to win.

The Final Barnstorm

  • On Monday, we will have a 14 state rally with our candidates crisscrossing the country trying to turn out our voters and sway the final undecided voters. Governor Palin will hit Ohio, Missouri, Iowa, Colorado, Nevada and Alaska in the final day of campaigning, while Senator McCain will travel from Tampa, Florida, to Virginia, then Pennsylvania, Indiana, New Mexico, Nevada and finish the night in Prescott, Arizona. The enthusiasm and excitement we generate on Monday will be the electricity that powers our “Get Out the Vote” efforts on Tuesday.

On the Ground

  • Our field organization has tremendous energy and is out-performing the Bush campaign at the same time in 2004. This week our field organization crossed a huge threshold and began reaching more than one million voters per day, and by week’s end will have contacted more than 5 million voters. Our phone centers are full and our rate of voter contact is significantly out-pacing the Bush campaign in 2004. We have the resources to do the voter contact necessary to support the surge we are seeing in our polling with old fashioned grassroots outreach.

On the Airwaves

  • In the final days of the campaign, our television presence will be bigger and broader than the Obama campaign’s presence. The full Republican effort – the RNC’s Independent Expenditure and the McCain campaign will out-buy Barack Obama and the Democrats by just about 10 million dollars.

In short: the McCain campaign is surging in the final 72 hours. Our grassroots campaign is vibrant and communicating to voters in a very powerful way. Our television presence is strong. And, we have a secret ingredient – A candidate who will never quit and who will never stop fighting for you and for your families.

In these final hours, Senator McCain and Governor Palin are counting on you – they are counting on you to knock on doors, to make turnout calls, to contact your friends and neighbors. Get our voters to the polls and help John McCain fight for your and for our country. This is our last mission on behalf of John McCain and I have no doubt I can count on your effort and energy to carry us across the line to victory.

Why Obama’s not the right choice

1 11 2008

I’ll be honest, I’m a McCain supporter. I live in a middle class household with parents earning the middle class wage. Yet I am still a big supporter of John McCain, did I forget to mention I’m also a minority? (I’m Chinese).

In my opinion Obama seems like the kind of person whose pride is his greatest enemy. For example his campaign seal very closely matches the president’s seal. He acts like he won the election already; he’s already making plans on which he is going to appoint to work for him. What if you lose Obama? What if you lose the general election? Have you ever thought for a single second that you might not win?

Obama’s plans are great, I would love a tax cut and I would love to get a couple thousand dollars worth of tax credits when I get into college. But are they really practical? In order to give us that thousand dollar tax cut he’s going to have to heavily tax the rich, which is going to hurt both our economy and our job market. Bad economy=no jobs, no jobs=no money……..

Plus what happened to campaign finance reform Obama? Oh did you decide to ditch that issue after you spent more than any other presidential candidate in US history? According to CNN, Obama has spent around 270 million dollars on advertising and McCain has spent around 125 million dollars. Obama’s spending more than twice the amount than McCain, and yet according to real clear politics he only has around a 5-6 point lead. Mathematically he should have a 33.3 point lead over McCain. If they had the same amount of money, I guarantee you Obama would be losing right now!

The one scary thing I have realized about Obama is that he’s changed his mind on issues after he discovers that switching sides would get him more votes. Obama’s so desperate for the white house that there is no real way of determining what would happen when he actually gets into the white house. He might develop a totally new platform, he might change his mind on policies and issues just like he did with offshore drilling.

Also, Obama’s against nuclear power. How do you achieve energy independence without utilizing one of the most environmentally clean (zero CO2 emissions) and one of the most cost efficient ways of getting electricity? Does this guy want us to burn coal for another 4 years? You’re going to have to get that energy from somewhere and the US simply doesn’t have to natural resources.

Point is, Vote for McCain, Obama’s not the correct choice for the white house. He’s inexperienced, vain, and his overall arrogance is going to cost him the election and the ticket to the white house!

chacha guide story

21 09 2008

this guy worked at chacha and practically got deactivated for doing nothing wrong. sucks, dont use their service

here’s the story from the website:

6:48 AM – ChaCha stole my money. – Updated 8.02.2007

Just to clue you in, I was recently deactivated from ChaCha for no given reason. I made contact with the VP of ChaCha and arranged to have a phone call with him earlier today. Seeing how that went, I’ve gone ahead and written this up:

ChaCha is shit. Do not work or search with them.

There are a number of reasons why ChaCha is turning sour, but I’ll list personally the issue of deactivations as my most displeasing and truly unfair experience.

Depending on how the contact I get from an official of ChaCha goes later, I could continue to be deactivated with no specific reason given and possibly lose the hundreds of dollars I have earned legitimately at ChaCha since I started earlier this year.

**UPDATE** I just got off the phone with the VP of ChaCha. Apparently I’m still going to be deactivated, and I’ll have to wait 30-60 days to see if I get any of my $441.80 that I earned when I started working with ChaCha as a guide in January. In reality, they’re probably just waiting for me to forget in 30-60 days so they never have to send any money.  I doubt they’d really review all of my search logs when they could just as easily inform me I earned all of it, 200 of it, or nothing based on a whim, since neither I or anyone else will ever get to see this research/reviewing process.

There reasoning was very glib and the evidence was against me before they had even spoken with me. I even discovered from them apparently I have all sorts of incriminating history in my search history. When I asked if they could go into detail about just what that was, you know, so I had a fair chance of defending myself, I was denied explanation. So that sounds now like a case of padding to make someone’s job easier when it comes time to drop people at the slightest hint of strange activity. As it stands now, I’m being banned for accepting searches during Friday morning that appeared to be coming from the same person. How one person could manage to track down me every time in a randomly assigned search engine, I have no clue. They wouldn’t explain that either.

So to recap: I’m having all of the four hundred and some such dollars I have earned legitimately since early January called into question and most likely never sent out to me, being booted based solely on the fact I did my job for a few hours on a Friday morning, and being told this is all justified based on that morning and the existence of some mystery occurrences I will never have explained to me. The part that gets me the worst is I have to explain to someone very close to me now they can’t have a birthday because ChaCha canceled my funds. Apparently it’s enough at ChaCha to assume and to not inform the victim clearly of the crime they supposedly committed.

At this point, all I can do is hope I get even a fraction of the hundreds of dollars I earned at ChaCha, and the rest I can do is warn you all of the utter deceit and slime coming from the ChaCha business. Please heed my warning, inform your friends and avoid ChaCha like the plague it’s turning into for people just trying to make some extra money.

This is just MY personal experience, though. You can see ChaCha deactivating people for various reasons; most of the reasoning I’ve seen for such motions on ChaCha’s part are out of bounds or too strict.

For example:
(ChaCha actually deactivated this last person solely on a post he made at another forum that ChaCha has no control or administration over. Scary.)

As for ChaCha itself, I don’t find the pay all that great, but I still worked diligently and managed to make enough where I could. I can certainly see this not being an easy employment answer for most lifestyles.

I really tried to be a good worker for such a shifting and ever-changing company that I sensed would often censor guides from discussing their true opinions and ideas for change (Take a look at the official forums if you need an example of overbearing moderators and stilted, forced, positive-leaning conversation). I didn’t get angry at the pranks, I didn’t curse at anyone, I didn’t really argue with anyone. But it didn’t seem to make a difference.

Here are some of my personal thoughts of ChaCha over the last few months:

After ChaCha had us all rushing to spread their search bar amongst friends for minimal pay and encouraging that we start advertising for them on our own good will with no paid reward, they thanked us very quietly by lowering our pay.

Under the long awaited download update of the search application, we were greeted with such foul news. Aside from the ChaCha application being revamped (aesthetically, nothing more) they also shoved a pay cut for us guides under the carpet, letting us read it ourselves in the small print of the details on the new application release. So at this point, we went from 10 minutes search time equaling a max payout of .83 cents to only being paid for six minutes of our search time in an individual session with a max payout equaling .50 cents for one such six minute-long session. Thank you, oh gracious Lords of Cha.

It seems the many heads of ChaCha thought this would encourage quicker search sessions, which apparently was what the ChaCha infoseekers wanted more than anything. How they gathered that information and from where puzzled all of the ChaCha guide community: We knew the exact opposite is true. You can ask any ChaCha guide what the seekers want and they’ll tell you: The reason infoseekers come to ChaCha is not for speed, but for answers; pleasant experiences getting answers; answers where before on their own in their own internet search endeavors the infoseeker had culled nothing but dead ends. If they wanted speed, they would simply do the search on their own. So ChaCha was engineering itself to be just like any other search engine and trying its best to work us, the unique factor, out of the equation that ChaCha purports to be golden. Or at least that’s what they’re going to get. If they wanted to fix the speed, maybe they could address why the Internet Explorer based guide application is gutted with constant, freezing and search-stuttering pop-ups. (Maybe they could just listen to us guides once in the first place.)

So by instilling this sense of rush faster to make more profit for ChaCha, we were now going to have to be much more concise with our searches and in the end forced to start cutting off the infoseeker past six minutes if we had any hope of making reasonable amounts of money. I won’t even tell you how badly this affects the paid sessions we undertake to train the slow newcomer to ChaCha. Much more so we were less pleasing and human to the infoseeker as we took strain from the lack of searches, the overabundance of demeaning prank searches, and the confusing, no-real-rules environment of ChaCha as they switched guidelines around every few days or sent out moderators (just as blind and uninformed as we) to answer our questions (who had no real clue or centralized source to get answers from).

At this point I started comparing the experience of a ChaCha guide to that of a prisoner in Yodok, a work camp in the DPRK (North Korea). After reading Aquariums of Pyongyang and understanding the conditions of such a place from a first-hand account of a North Korean refugee, I don’t think that was such a bad comparison of the payment plans in relation to expected work output.

We now work faster for less pay and we’re expected to be that much more efficient even though we rarely get legitimate searches anymore. When we do get searches, they are almost always pranks. Pranks are double-edged swords in the land of ChaCha. Ignore them and you won’t get any money because a legitimate search is as rare as a two-horned unicorn; respond to the prank search in any way and you face eventual suspension or permanent deactivation.

What I want to know most is: Where is ChaCha to help us solve the real issue of pranks? Pop-ups? The current situation is tantamount to giving a pizza delivery man a baseball bat and sending him to a violent neighborhood, but firing him if he either delivers the pizza or successfully defends himself against an attacker with the baseball bat.

Where’s the justice? Does ChaCha actually imagine good publicity will flourish by treating the very lifeblood of its network and very real word-of-mouth task force so poorly? By having us walk razor-thin lines with no definite guarantee we will be rewarded (with what reward we get paltry in most cases)? I’ve never seen so many dissatisfied employees, or “contractors” as ChaCha prefers. Something is most definitely not right, and you don’t have to go far to hear what’s going on. It’s not a dead-end situation if ChaCha will just address the problems we all voice, or just get around to finishing what I imagine they’re already doing now: Hook as many people/employees in with blatant lies in the early stages, then slowly lower standards and rewards over time, seeing how many people will stay or leave, and then finally hammering in the rest of the nails as they finalize the reality of what they want their company to be for employees. A mute sloth organization to those asking for help; a quick vulture group to those that they feel need admonishing or censoring; a group that chains workers together and forces them to smile for their publicity under the heavily clouded skies of a low-pay, no-rewards, high-risk, highly-demeaning-at-times and little-to-no job-security employment future, all as ChaCha beats the drum to the march of sorry guides, those few just looking to simply make a little extra money, through an utter mess of a job.

And for those looking to work at ChaCha: They do not pay you 10 dollars an hour as Scott Jones is so apt to say when advertising for ChaCha. Jones actually estimates in a Business 2.0 article that he will make millions on the ChaCha venture all the while never paying guides more than 20% of what he takes in. Great guy. The most you can hope to make for an hour’s combined total of time spent searching for people is 4-5 dollars.

**UPDATE**: ChaCha reports that guides make 10 dollars a search.

This is not true. The guide named in the search (Sharae H.) has actually made around $400.00 since February. Not 400+ dollars in a single day.

For more information on fake PR:

A guide posted the erroneous news story of the 10 dollar payment on the official ChaCha forums and was then swiftly deactivated from ChaCha. Huh.

ChaCha is aware of the news story and is doing nothing change the misleading figures. Huh, again.

Also, this story was propagated around the country. A guide e-mailed a Texas news agency and made them aware of the issue. Their reply to him?

We based our info on what Cha Cha told us. I guess their people were wrong.”

So ChaCha is spreading this information itself, consistently and multiple times to  differet agencies around the country. Even knowing the errors they share. It’s not even a guide interview. Interesting.

*3-31-07 UPDATE*
Just got another story from a forum on another guide being deactivated.

…I know cause I was deactivated on the 13 th they said through the weekend and it has been over 2 weeks.I was deactivated because I sent an email to what i thought was a friend and they either gave it to chahca or passed it around and someone else gave it to chacha. All I did was quot some things from a web site I found and ask if they heard of it or if it was real or not .They other thing I myself said that was not a quote was “chacha treats its guides like dirt” The way I look at it though, that was my own personal email not some public forum.I should have the right to say whatever i want in my own emails.I feel like I was unjustly deactivated! I read stuff on the chacha forum as bad or worse than that.They said I was trying to start trouble. So just wanted to give you a heads up and let you know that it is really easy for chacha to find a reason to get rid of you.I was here since Oct,nearly 2,00 searches and had gotten a piece in the woman’s day magazine for chacha. Doesn’t matter what you do for them . They won’t think twice about getting rid of you.The deal is that dollar is most important.I have sent 2 emails to 2 different employees and have heard nothing and probly never will.” – Dreamer 1952. Link

Yep, you can’t even have e-mail conversations on ChaCha without penalty! Have an opinion that’s going through your own private e-mail? You’re fired! Great stuff!

And another article on ChaCha in Red Herring (Great name, eh? Thanks to L for the link and info) magazine. Once again the article gives the 10 dollar figure for payment, which is the rare and quickly lost “elite” status figure. ChaCha is still not changing or making an attempt at clarifying their faulty figures. And Scott still has his plan to get rid of guides in effect!

Hear about the ChaCha changes? Apparently to “deter pranks”, ChaCha went and removed the search with a guide access button from the front page of! Now you have to perform a search to find the guide search feature at the bottom of the first page of search results! Now why would a clueless Infoseeker try and dig through answers they’ve already received to ask a guide who is going to just send them the same results from their own search, as both a regular search and a guide search will turn up the same pages of results? Why would they bother even asking a guide when they already have the anwers on that first page? Why would they even bother with ChaCha if it’s just a shittier search engine with a crappy database when they can easily type in Pranks? I hear they’re the main course now. Think about it: A prankster doesn’t care if the guide search is a page deeper now, they are usually saavy internet demons. The prankster is THERE TO HARASS GUIDES. So he’s going to be the more dedicated one in finding a guide. Who will be more strident in finding a guide? The legit searcher just wanting some help and gets it on the first page of results (if the ChaCha database doesn’t shit out on them)? Or the prankster who will stop at nothing to harass a guide.

From what I gather, the legitimate searches are so rare these days.

ChaCha effectively cut off real infoseekers, crushed all the legitimate searches that guides get, and made pranks the 1 type of search that guides get now. Either ChaCha set out to do something in the stupidest fashion possible and totally defeated their unique feature that sets them aside from the competition, or there’s another side to the story.

You want to know something? I know what that other side is. It was never about pranksters. ChaCha is seeing how things go when their guides aren’t working as much. They want to see how they function as a regular search engine, per Scott’s idea to make ChaCha not about guides but about profit. Maybe sell the database off as soon as it’s not the piece of shit it is now. But overall, don’t pay the guides as much as they aren’t working as much now.

Here’s the ChaCha plan:

1. Let false information in the form of press reports spread around. The reports talk about ChaCha pay rates being 5 times as much as they really are. The figures are always wrong and misleading, but just shrug and don’t actually do anything to change them.

2. Don’t pay the guides as much. Lower their pay and expect them to work faster, and then lower the ability to get legitimate searches in the form of a anti-prankster change.

3. Lie, lie, lie to the guides. Tell the guides the prank ratings won’t affect them, even as the prank ratings clearly roll in and demote good guides. (Nowadays, I found out the pranks don’t even talk to the guides. They just wait for a guide to pick up their search query, then as soon as the guide enters the chat room, they leave and rate the guide bad. Weren’t ratings about the search results for the database to sort through, not about the guides? How can they say the guides matter while letting pranksters just rampage through search sessions, giving out fatal “Bad” ratings in a matter of seconds to any number of guides foolish enough to accep the search?)

4. Tell guides they aren’t planning on working them out of the ChaCha system, even as you turn off invites for new guides, swiftly deactivate the existing guides for just about anything, even sharing opinions IN THEIR OWN PRIVATE E-MAIL, and continue to be fuzzy about Catch 22 rules. All of those moves are clearly in an effort to kill off the guide population.

Sure they say they aren’t going to get rid of all the guides, but every single action of the ChaCha HQ says the complete opposite.

They say they are not getting rid of the guides, but I take that as them cleverly saying they won’t get rid of all the guides. What they will do is widdle down the population to those few select guides who love being trampled and lap up ChaCha bullshit like nectar, keeping just enough people around so they can keep their namesake of a “Human-Powered Search Engine” and not be TOO FUNNY of a joke.

Do any of you ever wonder where and why Scott pulled the projected “300,000 guides” working for ChaCha by this Summer figure out of?

It’s pretty clear from here: ChaCha hates guides.

ChaCha bans user from forums AND deactivates them from using ChaCha as a guide. All for defending users and questioning the iron fist of moderators on the forum!

Jesus Christ, they’ve done it again! A staunch pro-ChaCha user, who even swore off complaining, was taken off the ChaCha forums and deactivated. You can’t deactivate guides for stuff that goes on in the forum, that’s a seperate incident that is classically met with being banned from the forums! And what happened to the three strikes rule they implemented? They outright banned her without any system!


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ChaCha REALLY hates its guides who speak up.
*UPDATE 4/12/07*

Reader’s Digest interviews another guide, and yet again, erroneous claims that you can make $300 in a month working for 2-hours a day on ChaCha appear. BULLSHIT!

Oh, and the person they interviewed? A moderator for the official ChaCha forum. Huh, surely she wouldn’t have a reason to disseminate false information!

Where’s my $441.80, ChaCha:
I still have not seen any of my money. I DID get an e-mail asking for clarifying my status and address, so apparently they’re sending some part of my money soon.

Did I get paid?

I don’t know. It took so long to get my money, I decided to compound the time it took to get and wait that much longer to say: Yes, I did get my money. I got it in a check around a month and a half after deactivation, received via snail mail.

No money was changed from the amount I had in my account. Nothing was taken away. The review process they had was a sham, if they had reviewed they would have surely found some search that wouldn’t meet their requirements, but nothing of the sort happened.

I was given the run around and made to wait for my money while they most likely used it on something else, waiting to gather money from other sources to send to me.

Today? ChaCha is the biggest joke on the internet. Check out ChaCha’s rating on Alexa. Their traffic is in the pits, and I got off just in time.

Want to know more about ChaCha? Email me at, I’ll fill you in on a hilarious tale of how bad things have gotten over there.

For an excellent way to find what’s going on at ChaCha from ex-guides and disgruntled workers there, check out:

Nowadays, I hear they can’t get any searches at ChaCha, and their Alexa ratings reflect a big drop off in traffic. You actually have to register to use the Search with a Guide! HAH!

171 Spam Comments???

18 09 2008

OMG i have stated this before, stop spamming at this blog. Spam elsewhere. Get a life, no one ever clicks the links you post, its a waste of time and a waste of life and a waste of wordpress’s resources. 


I currently have 171 spam comments that didn’t make through the filters, and like another 200 that did, my god this is getting way out of hand

Assholes in High School

13 09 2008

I have found that there are some really nice people in high school, adn theres the assholes in school who do nothing but piss you off. like this kid Angad for example…..quote “I know every pressure point in the body and I can kick your ass” and if i remember correctly he backed out of a fight against a fatass with man boobs (RJ Garcia) , and yea i know its kinda mean but its pretty accurate and that kid was an asshole last year.

But honestly….last time i checked there are like hundreds of pressure points in the human body and its almost impossible to memorize them all, sheesh, if ur gonna lie about something at least make sure its plausible before saying them out loud.

And shit talking on facebook? Thats just plain cowardness, hes probably afraid to say that crap to my face, on facebook on the other hand I can really do anything about it other than say some right back at him.

point is assholes are the people you should rumors about and make their life really miserable, and hope that they kill themselves or die in a horrible plane accident or car crash.

jokes i found- rly funny lol :D

9 09 2008

A man is driving home, when is pulled over by a patrolman for a broken blinker. The cop looks into the guys’ car and sees a collection of knives in the backseat.

“Sir,” the cop says. “Why do you have all those knives?”

“They’re for my juggling act,” the man says.

“I don’t believe you,” says the cop. “Prove it.” So the man gets out of his car and begins juggling the knives. At the same time, a car with two guys in it drives by.

“Man,” says the first guy. “I’m glad I quit drinking. These new sobriety tests are hard.”

A king wanted to improve the mood of his favorite donkey, who was depressed, so he put out a proclamation that he would pay anyone in the kingdom 200 gold pieces if they could make his donkey happy. Many tried, all failed.

Then a jester went in to see the donkey, and when he came out, the donkey was indeed happy – so happy in fact, that he was laughing heartily. The jester got the gold, but a few days passed and the king couldn”t make the donkey stop laughing. So he put out another proclamation saying he would pay 500 gold pieces to anyone who could make the donkey stop.

The jester returned, went in to see the donkey for a few seconds, and when he came out, the donkey was crying. The king asked the jester how he did it. The jester said, “I will tell you for another 200 gold pieces.”

When the jester had received his gold, he revealed, “On my first visit, I told the donkey that my dick was bigger than his. This time I showed him.”

Two fraternity brothers decide to go sailing one afternoon and become lost. After twenty hours with nothing to eat or drink, one of them spots a lamp floating by. He picks it up and a genie pops out. The genie notices the poor condition of the brothers and grants them one wish between the two of them.

After a lot of arguing over who gets the wish, one of them blurts out, “I wish the ocean was made of beer.”

Magically, the ocean turns to beer.

Infuriated, the other guy yells, “You idiot! Now we have to piss in the boat!”

Your Mom Rated E for Everyone

6 09 2008

I came across this on the internet, its halirous… 😀


6 09 2008

So many people are spamming my blog, god damn it stop the spam

no one ever clicks those links u post up there anyway

this is an neffective way of advertising idiots. IF u see some randon giberish do u ever click on those? the answer is NO, so u know what? hire some marketing people, post some ads in the local newspaper if u dont have money for bigger ads


General Election 2008

6 09 2008

This years residental elections are seriously screwed up. All the good people aren’t running, instead we’re stuck with Obama, whose inexperienced, arrogant, and wants to increase taxes. One the other hand we have McCain who might be kind of like Bush. Why can’t Al Gore run again?

If Al Gore was elected instead of bush in 2000 then we wouldn’t have the idiotic war on middle east, not would our enviroment be so screwed up, and we wouldn’t be in debt. Gore or someone good should run for president this year. If Bill Clintion was running or Gore was running then obama or mccain wouldn’t stand a chance. With Bill we actually had a surplus of money in th governement, not a mountain of debt.

Whats really screwed up is that gore actually had the majority of people wanting him to be president in the election, stupid supreme court……damn them

High School

6 09 2008

going from middle high school to high school is so different. oakton high school is huge! But then again i adapt to new place well so i have never really been late to any classes. also the workload is totally different. I used to be able to just coast along in classes, but not anymore. The honors and pre-ap classes are so vigorious.

I totally need a good grade though. I need to get into a good college, thinking about upenn, mit, and harvard. but those schools are like so hard to get into. everyone is looking to get into those. maybe if i’m lucky i can get in.

the day also feels much much more shorter. instead of the 8 classes you have in middle school u only have 4 a day in high school with 7th period u have everyday. that makes the day feel much shorter and it gives me much more time for hw :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

only 2 more years of language left 😀 takin latin 2 this year, next year i take latin 3 and then i’m done! i’ll probably take business electives so then i can get the knowledge to start my own business someday, also business classes give very little hw, with fiance i have no hw 😀

the teachers all seem pretty nice as well, dunno if thats just the first week of schol though. because u know all teachers are nice on the first couple of days. i think the fiance teacher is rly nice though, she has ood rules and makes good jokes during class. plus i really admire old people cuz they know more and has more experience with life so i have lots to learn

some ppl told me that some teachers might be rly mean. but not really worried. i’m always kind of the quiet kid in class. i just need good grades, extracuriccular activities, and a gf. then i’m happy in high school. lets hope that things go my way for the next four years!!! 😀

Change Theme

3 09 2008

I recently changed the theme of this blog
I think this theme has more of a fresh looking interface and I like it more than the old one.

Ugh so bored yet so busy at the same time, rly don’t like the hw they give out in high school

Are sugar rockets dangerous?

20 08 2008

I’ve thinking about building a rocket, possibly powered by sugar or some easily accessible fuel source. I want to make one of those rocket powered bikes that some guy made, it was an article published in Popular Science. Apparently the thing could go at somwhere around 30-45 miles an hour…thats like as fast as you can drive on a local road.

So if i build one of those bikes could i get seriously injured if something exploded or i crash into a post??? that would be extremely painful as well…..crashing into something at 30 miles an hours, ugh 😦

I’m Back!!!

20 08 2008

Long time no post. Its summer I was out chilling, being bored, and such.

Ugh going to high school as a Freshmen next year, dunno what to expect….hope i get invited to some parties though 😀

Anyway, so screwed right now, i have a 500 page book to read in less than 2 weeks for the stupid summer reading project.

Why do they assign summer reading to honor students? shouldnt the whole program be reserved for the dumb ass people who don’t know how to read? I read at a college level…..they probably read at a normal 9th grade level…..pft…..boring……


19 08 2008

Dumb Test
Dumb Test by fun quizzes!
Fun Quizzes | Quizes for MySpace » MySpace Quizzes

Olympics Medal Tracker

10 08 2008

[clearspring_widget title=”Olympics Medal Tracker” wid=”4815fb5c4809f394″ pid=”489f6df207b7fe9f” width=”300″ height=”400″ domain=””]

Olympic Medal winners at NBC!

It’s Summer!

13 06 2008

Yes! it is summer! the season is freedom and boredom. Ahh, its better to be bored than to have to work all day!

but still have to prepare for the SAT so i can try out for tjhsst next year! ahh…..if i get into tjhsst then—–:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:

Money Money Everywhere

10 06 2008

They said recently that a middle class wouldn’t exist in US anymore. Its just going to be the rich and the poor. Thats rly rly depressing, cuz my family is middle class.

I need to get rich, fast! when i grow up, its not a matter of wanting to its how?

So many things are already thought of, so many laws are being passed on what u can do in business and what u can’t, all the good ideas are already thought of already. Ugh! How am i ever going to get rich? In order to survive in this society and live the good life I need cash, lots of it and  a continuous  flow of it too!

Maybe I’ll start some internet company…..hmmm…..


8 06 2008

It’s like this every year, I can’t wait until summer and yet when it finally arrives I am stuck at home doing nothing. So bored right now and it is not even summer yet!

I can’t wait for final exam results, I need an A in latin and a B+ in geometry, cuz at this point it is not possible for me to get an A in geometry no matter how hard I try. (by the way i don’t suck at geometry its just the teacher teachers us extra crap not in the book and tests us on it, i wish i got the other geometry honors teacher, so easy to get an A there.)

BTW, bored…..Any advice on what I should do over the summer is totally welcome!

Got to be Kidding

8 06 2008

Fcps is the worst school district to be in. OMFG, other schools in the US has the 10 point grading scale, meaning 90-100 is an A and they get a 1.0 weighted grade on AP and .5 on honors classes in high school. Meaning honors full score is 4.5, and AP is 5.0.

So unfair, other kids will have the advantage when it comes to applying for college. Guess who gets stuck with the bad GPA and might have to go to some shit school, have a shit career, and have a shit life cuz of some dumb school system that wants to be different from every other school in the state, possibly the entire US.

They should not make it hard for us to get As, we r the ones paying the tax so we should have a say in the practices of the school system. There are over 5000 thousand people against this grading system. I have a 93 in geometry right now, its a 3.5 on my GPA. I should be getting a 4.0 if i moved like 20 miles towards loundon county. I should actually have a 4.5 if i was in another county cuz of the .5 bonus they give to honor courses. FCPS only gives the .5 bonus to AP courses while other school systems give a full 1.0.

So damn unfair, I want to move to some other school god damn it!


8 06 2008

Just finished watching the movie Chaos Theory. Good movie…..better than most.

I learned a very important thing from this movie, and it is that the future is determined. The chaos theory is a real theory explaining events like weather and how we can never fully predict the outcome of it yet the weather of this planet was determined from the day our Earth existed.

The reason is we just don’t have all the information. We can’t predict it because we’re part of it. But the thing remains is what if it was a different planet? Say Mars was an Earth like planet with living life and organism on it, would be able to predict everything that is going to happen on that planet? We’re no part of it, we don’t effect it, and lastly we don’t have contact with it. Those factors allow us to fully understand something that exists.

Einstein was right when he said ” god does not play dice with the future.” But then again, we’re not god so therefore we cannot predict the future, we can have a slight idea of what it is going to be but we can never know for sure, because everything we do can affect what the future outcome is.

So from today I will do my best to predict things but will act accordingly on a situation basis, that way I won’t fail 😀

Get Fuzzy- I need to Google Your Threat!

26 05 2008

This is a pretty funny Get Fuzzy icon I found on the internet….

I’m gonna bet that there is some dumbass out there that did this in real life….lol